My New Ukulele Song

August 18, 2011

I haven’t done a proper recording of this yet but I still wanted to share it with everyone. Enjoy. 🙂

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Vinyl Initiative

August 16, 2011

Check out this video I’m cutting together about why people still listen to Vinyl. This is only the intro but you can get an idea of what I’m trying to do. Check out Hitrecord if you want to get involved.

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House Cat

August 12, 2011

Check out my latest cartoon series, “House Cat.”

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August 8, 2011

Have you seen the documentary about the most influential Chillwave artist of all time? Grab a cold Corona, kick back and check out this chill ass video.

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Each week I do an art review of sorts showcasing a few records I thought were worth taking another look at. If you’re not familiar with Hitrecord, it’s a collaborative website where artists from all around the world come together and work on videos, music, illustraions, you name it. Enjoy.

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