sad cat

September 15, 2011

This is my new comic strip “sad cat.” reblog if you lol.

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Chilled Out

September 15, 2011

Have you seen the documentary about the most influential chillwave artist of all time? Well you’re in luck. Watch the trailer and there is a link for the whole film at the end. Grab a Corona and chill.

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bad habits

September 7, 2011

I’ve been working on this song for almost a year now and I just finished it. Check it out. I’m pretty proud of some of the lyrics in it.

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Hitrecord ReRECs 9/4

September 5, 2011

Every week I try to do an art review of sorts for hitrecord. I feature and talk about some of my favorite records I came across for the week. Check it out.

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Regular Joe sings live.

September 2, 2011

Check out this video I cut together of Regular Joe singing live at a Hitrecord show in San Francisco.

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