How to eat a bag of chips

January 24, 2012

You have been eating chips the wrong way your entire life. Watch this instructional video to learn how to properly eat a bag of chips.

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Check out this hilarious clip from the upcoming video “Corona Lite Live.” I should have it done in about a week.

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Corona Lite Live (trailer)

January 19, 2012

Check out the trailer of the video I’m cutting together from Corona Lite’s performance last night at the San Diego Casbah.

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This is a short story that I’ve been working on since April of 2011. I’m glad to finally share it with the world. Get it now for only $0.99 on the Kindle.

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U.K. Download

If you don’t have a Kindle you can download the free Kindle app for your computer or smartphone here.

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Follow my new blog on Tumblr

December 29, 2011

I started a new blog for my cartoon series, “How I Feel About Most Things.” Follow me and reblog if you like it.

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